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Gas analysis in healthcare

State-of-the-art medical technology for diagnosis, therapy and research

CO2, N2O, CO, SO2 and SF6 are important components for treating physicians in a wide variety of specialties

Artificial respiration, anesthesia, capnography, dialysis, MRI or cryotherapy - in numerous cases, the use of medical gases or their monitoring is essential for patients and physicians. Medical technology for analysis of respiratory gases is used in a wide range of clinical applications. It is used, among other things, for reliable patient monitoring and precise control of anesthetics during surgery.

NDIR Messkit zur Gasanalyse im medizinischen Bereich
NDIR Medical Bundle

With the NDIR bundle medical gases, it is possible to achieve shorter development times for manufacturers of medical measuring devices. Thanks to the immediate availability, test measurements are possible more swiftly and shorten the time-to-market. The test kit contains a selection of detectors and thermal infrared emitters for the measurement of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, alcohols or other common gases used in medical applications.


  1. TS4x200B-A-S1.5-1-2-D2/E1/F1/G2 - detector 3C low for CO2/CO/HC
  2. TS4x200B-A-S1.5-1-2-D2/E2/F1/G2 - detector 3C high for CO2/CO/HC
  3. TS4x200B-A-S1.5-1-2-I1/L1/H1/D5 - detector for NOX H2O/NO/SO2
  4. TS2x200B-A-S1.5-1-Kr-L1/D2 – detector for N2O
  5. TS2x200B-A-S1.5-1-Kr-M1/D5 - Detector for -OH
  6. TS2x200B-A-S1.5-1-Kr-J1/D5 - Detector for SF6
  7. JSIR350-4-AL-R-D6.0-0-0 - IR emitter TO39 with reflector, open
  8. JSIR350-4-AL-R-D6.0-1-A4 - IR emitter TO39 with reflector and filter BaF2
  9. JSIR350-4-AL-C-D5.8-0-0 - IR emitter TO39 with cap, open
  10. JSIR350-5-BL-R-D3.6-0-0 - IR emitter TO46 with reflector, open

Our high-quality product solutions make a decisive contribution to making medical diagnostics, therapy methods and research more effective and efficient. As a result, patients get the suitable help they need more quickly.

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