• Technologies and Products

New in our portfolio: wafer level IR emitter chips!

The product solution at the base of the value chain

As of now, powerful emitter chips on wafer level with a long lifetime complete our product range. From the chip to the infrared components to the sensor - Micro-Hybrid offers you as ALL IN ONE IR SUPPLIER product solutions for every level of your value chain!

Mit unserem Endprodukt am Anfang der Wertschöpfungskette unterstützen wir Sie ab sofort bei dem Aufbau Ihres eigenen Sensor-Produktes. Mit den Lösungen von Micro-Hybrid entscheiden Sie sich aktiv für Qualität und Langlebigkeit. Unsere Emitter Chips eignen sich optimal für die Weiterverarbeitung in Ihrer Applikation.

Egal auf welcher Stufe der Wertschöpfungskette Sie sich aktuell befinden: Mit Micro-Hybrid haben Sie den richten Partner an Ihrer Seite, der Ihnen Lösungen von Chips, über Komponenten bis hin zu fertigen Sensoren bietet!

Nehmen Sie jetzt Kontakt mit uns auf und lassen Sie sich zu unseren intelligenten Lösungen passend zu Ihrer Herausforderung beraten!

The MEMS-based infrared emitter chips represent an intelligent and more sustainable alternative to the classic light bulb - their key advantage: a much longer lifetime! The emitter chips are based on a standard CMOS technology. At the same time, we can scale production into the millions at your request with an excellent price-performance ratio.


For wavelengths greater than 4 µm, glasses that serve as the protective function of the filament lamps are in principle to be regarded as non-transmissive.

Here, the broad emission spectrum of our IR emitters from 2 to 15 µm is most convincing. Choose our IR emitter chips for a long-term reasonable light bulb alternative, for example in the field of infrared gas analysis.

Our wafers impress with a stable, very high output - a digital wafer map is provided for you. To guarantee the functionality of the chips, each one is passed through a two-stage internal quality control: optically and by electrical measurement of the cold resistance.

With our consumer product at the beginning of the value chain, we support you now in building your own sensor solution. With Micro-Hybrid's technologies you actively choose quality and longevity. Our emitter chips are perfectly well suited for further processing in your application.

No matter at which stage of the value chain you are currently involved: With Micro-Hybrid you can rely on the right partner who offers you solutions from chips to components to fully assembled sensors!

Just give us a call and let us advise you on our intelligent solutions to meet your challenges!

Dipl. Wirt. - Ing. (FH)

Heiko Richter

Senior Key Account Manager Gas Sensors

T: +49 36601 592 245


Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Patrick Sachse

Senior Product Manager

T: +49 36601 592 159


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