• Technologies and Products
MicroFLOW gas flow sensor with printed circuit boards, cuvette, and gas connections

New flow sensors for NDIR gas anlyses

MicroFLOW gas sensors provide precise measurement results for industrial gas analysis.

The MicroFLOW ndir sensors product line provides a wide range of measuring options, sample gases, and potential applications.

MicroFlow sensors offer advantages in measuring accuracy, design and user-friendliness

Measuring accuracy

Precise measurement results: The MicroFLOW gas sensors ensure accurate analysis across the entire measurement range thanks to 10-point linearization with a maximum deviation of the measured gas concentration of less than one percent. Additionally, these sensors are highly sensitive and can detect even the slightest changes in gas mixture, reliably identifying minimal gas concentrations.

Integrated pressure compensation: The µP.sens pressure sensor compensates for measurement deviations caused by pressure fluctuations or barometric changes. This ensures that the maximum deviation is less than 0.1 percent per 10 hPa pressure fluctuation. The sensor is integrated into the cell block and therefore requires very little space. Additionally, the integration of the pressure sensor prevents falsification of measured values or leaks.

Temperature compensation: The sensor provides highly reliable measurement results over an operating range of 5 - 45 °C, with a deviation in the measurement result of less than one percent per ten Kelvin. Each module is tested and calibrated in a climate chamber by measuring with a test gas at a specified concentration and recording and correcting the error curve. The test and correction are carried out at the zero point, span point, and other temperatures typical of the sensor's application.


Intelligent product design

Robust: The materials used in this product offer high chemical resistance, ensuring long service life and reliability even under demanding conditions. This is especially the case for the anodized aluminum gas connection blocks and the stainless steel gas connections. By using high-quality materials, maintenance costs are reduced.

Optimimized cell: The cuvette is designed to match  the sample gas and the gas measuring range of each infrared sensor module. This feature ensures accurate and long-term stable measurement results for the gas analysis and the optimum signal quality of the emitter.

Interfaces: MicroFLOW NDIR sensors come equipped with RS232 and CAN-Bus interfaces, which are commonly used in industry. The software manual provides all necessary steps for using your preferred interface. The MARS light software allows later interface changes if needed.

Extended pressure measuring range: In contrast to conventional gas sensors, our product enables measurements in a wide pressure range of 300 - 1200 hPa. This gives users an extended range of applications, for example for applications in higher altitudes or for systems that work with negative pressure, such as packaging in the food industry.


User friendliness

Use it in many devices: The flow sensor has low power consumption, requiring less than one watt of input power. This makes it suitable for use in battery-operated devices and also environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Easy integration: The  gas sensor operates within a voltage range of 9 to 30 volts. This makes it compatible with the majority of measurement systems that use 12 or 24 volts without the need for additional adjustments.

Free software: The MARS light software, developed specifically for MicroFLOW gas sensors, is available for free download on our website. This allows for immediate testing of your gas sensor. You save a lot of time on your project by not having to develop custom software for testing.

Modular design: In contrast to many comparable products, which are often glued or soldered, cleaning and any maintenance can be carried out with little effort thanks to the modular design.

The new MicroFLOW NDIR gas measurement sensors offer you the opportunity to optimize your processes. With expanded measuring ranges, gases, and applications, you can expect more precise results and innovative solutions for various industrial applications.

Flow sensors portfolio overview

Measuring ras Measuring range Product solution
CO2 Gas measurement of carbon monoxide up to 50 Vol.-% MicroFLOW CO.50 Vol.-%
CO2 Gas measurement of carbon dioxide up to 50 Vol.-% MicroFLOW CO2.50 Vol.-%
CO Gas measurement of carbon dioxide up to 5000 ppm MicroFLOW CO2.5000 ppm
CH4 Selective gas measurement of methane up to 10 Vol.-% MicroFLOW CH4.10 Vol.-%
CH4 und andere
Gas easurement of methane and other hydrocarbons up to 10 Vol.-% MicroFLOW CH4.select 10 Vol.-%
SF6 Gas measurement of sulfur hexafluoride up to 100 Vol.-% MicroFLOW SF6.100 Vol.-%

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